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Informacje dla 4 rodzin

hrabstwa Nassau, aby zapewnić pomoc gospodarstwom domowym lub populacjom borykającym się z negatywnymi skutkami ekonomicznymi z powodu COVID-19, w tym pomoc pieniężną (375 USD!).

Free Webinar: Rental and Utility Assistance


A new program that assists those experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic is available to New York State residents. It’s called the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and we’ll be sharing information about it on November 18.

Qualifying households can receive a grant to pay up to 12 months of past due rental costs. Assistance for past due utility costs is also available. Household income determines eligibility and funding is limited. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

LI partner.jpg
Pregnant Woman and Partner
Gay Family
Gay Couple with their Son
Family in the Park
Family Time
Pride Parade

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